
Thursday, 14 November 2013

The BAA and ISON

A nice finish to the day. The images have been put on the BAA Comet Gallery, Denis Buczynski published an entry in the BAA Comet Forum headed C/2012 S1 ISON tail structure activity which mentioned both myself, Caisey Harlingten and the Searchlight Observatory Network. Finally the BAA issued an ebulletin which also mentioned the observations.

A couple of hours ago I took part in a prerecorded interview for Under British Skies. I suspect that after being up since four plus today's events I sounded a little punch drunk LOL.

Now to bed, even though there is still a hundred or so images to process. It has been raining here today, so there is a good possibility that when I get up in four hours time at four o'clock, I may find that it will not be possible to observe and
be able to go back to bed.

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